Top 8 Tips To Prevent Snoring

Top 8 Tips To Prevent Snoring

A recent survey highlighted that snoring is the most annoying sleeping habit of a partner. And it’s not hard to understand why. Anyone who has experienced trying to fall asleep in a room with a snorer will understand how impossible it can be to drum out the infuriating noise. Imagine a ticking clock, only 10 times louder, more annoying and without any rhythm or pattern. Luckily, I have done all the necessary research into what causes snoring and how best to deal with it - read on for your ultimate guide to snoring!

Why do we snore?

Snoring is the result of vibrations caused by the way we breathe. Our bodies naturally relax when we breath causing the airways to narrow, which makes it easier for partial blockages to occur. This makes us breathe faster, which in turn causes bigger vibrations and the resulting sound.

Causes of snoring

Not all snoring is the same, and there is no one way to identify why you snore. Snoring is sometimes described by some as a consequence of overindulgence in some of the ‘better’ things in life; because factors such as overeating, smoking and alcohol are known causes. Here are some other common causes for snoring:

  • Allergies
  • Your sleeping position
  • Age
  • Nasal and sinus problems
  • Medicines containing sedatives
  • Dental issues
  • Pregnancy

Snoring can also be hereditary, with The British Snoring & Sleep Apnoea Association claiming that nearly 70% of snorers have a familial link.

Sometimes, snoring can be a sign of something more serious. You should always seek the advice of your GP if you are worried or concerned about any of your sleeping habits.

Top 8 tips on how to prevent snoring

  1. Don’t drink alcohol 3 hours before bedtime

  2. Get active during the day and increase your levels of exercise

  3. Don’t lay flat on your back (this increases snoring rates), instead try sleeping on one side instead

  4. Avoid taking medicines including sedatives before bed (unless otherwise advised by your GP of course), read the labels if you are unsure

  5. Stop smoking

  6. Use a mouth-guard – anti-snoring mouth guards can be prescribed by both dentists and doctors if your snoring is a result of dentistry/jaw problems

  7. Use an extra pillow to raise your head higher when you sleep, taking some of the pressure off the airways

  8. Keep to a regular sleeping pattern

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