How to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping: Tips & Tricks

Picture this: You're tucked into your comfy bed, ready for a peaceful night's sleep, when suddenly you spot a spider lurking nearby.

For many people, the mere sight of these eight-legged creatures can cause anxiety and disrupt their restful slumber.

To ensure a peaceful sleep, we'll examine how to prevent spiders from entering your bedroom and explore natural methods of repelling them from your sleeping area so that you can enjoy a good night's rest without any unwelcome visitors.

By learning about How to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping, not only will you feel more at ease during bedtime but also create a healthier living environment for yourself and your family members by keeping those pesky arachnids at bay.

spider inside a home

Do Spiders Keep You Up at Night?

Let's address the elephant in the room: spiders. If you're like most people, the question "how to keep spiders away while sleeping" might often keep you awake at night. Most of us don't want these creepy crawlers anywhere near us, especially when trying to sleep. But don't worry, resorting to harmful chemicals or extreme measures isn't necessary. In fact, there are some simple tips and tricks, including the use of natural spider repellent, that can help deter them from your sleeping space.

First, let's dispel a common myth. You may have heard that the average person swallows eight spiders a year while sleeping. This myth has been proven to be untrue on multiple occasions - it's just an unfounded urban legend. Instead of worrying about spiders, it's more critical to understand how to keep spiders out of your room.

Why do spiders come out at night? Well, it's not because they are attracted to humans. Rather, spiders are attracted to insects. So, if your home becomes a haven for bugs, you may be inadvertently inviting spiders in. Keeping your home clean and free of clutter can help prevent spiders from making themselves comfortable.

Remember, spiders are more afraid of you than you are of them. By taking a few simple steps to deter them, you can sleep soundly knowing that you won't be sharing your bed with any unwanted eight-legged guests.

Seasonal Spider Sightings

Have you ever wondered why you seem to encounter more spiders in your home during certain times of the year or even specific hours of the day? Well, there's a reason for that.

Spiders are most active at night, and they're often on the hunt for their prey (insects) while we're fast asleep.

In general, you'll see an increase in spider sightings during late summer and early autumn. This is because spiders love warm temperatures, which means they become more active as they search for food and mates during these seasons.

Night-time Spidey Encounters

Sure, spiders prefer darkness over light since many insects are attracted to artificial lights at night - making them easy pickings for our eight-legged friends. Despite this, you need not worry about your bedroom becoming a spider-infested nightmare when the lights are off.

Why Are Spiders Attracted to Your Home?

  • Insects: As mentioned earlier, spiders prey on insects. So if your home has plenty of bugs buzzing around, chances are high that it'll attract spiders too.
  • Warmth and Shelter: Spiders don't just love warm temperatures; they also need a safe place to hide from predators. Your home provides the perfect environment for them to thrive in.

While you might encounter more spiders during certain seasons or at night, there are ways to prevent these unwanted guests from entering your bedroom.

Tips and Tricks to Keep Spiders Away While Sleeping

If you're someone who's concerned about spiders infiltrating your peaceful slumber, here's how to protect yourself from spiders while sleeping and understand what keeps spiders away:

  • Keep Your Bedroom Clean: Spiders prefer cluttered spaces, so make sure to keep your bedroom tidy and free of any unnecessary items.
  • Avoid Eating In Bed: Crumbs attract insects, and those insects will attract spiders. We always tell ourselves we’ll be extra careful when eating in bed to prevent any mess, but crumbs will always find a way to get between the sheets.
  • Seal Any Cracks and Crevices: Spiders can easily crawl through small openings, so make sure to seal any cracks or crevices in your walls, windows, and doors.
  • Use Essential Oils: Spiders don't like the smell of certain essential oils, such as peppermint, eucalyptus, and tea tree oil. You can use these oils in a diffuser or spray them around your bedroom to keep spiders at bay.
  • Turn Off Outdoor Lights: Remember how spiders are attracted to insects that are attracted to artificial lights? By turning off your outdoor lights, you'll reduce the number of insects around your home, which in turn will reduce the number of spiders.
  • Use Spider Repellents: There are many spider repellents available in the market that you can use to keep spiders away from your bedroom. These repellents usually contain natural ingredients like peppermint oil, vinegar, and citrus.
  • Use Vinegar: White vinegar is another natural spider deterrent. A mixture of equal parts vinegar and water sprayed around your home can help keep spiders at bay.
  • Use Spider Traps: Commercially available spider traps can be effective in catching and killing spiders. These traps often use a sticky substance to capture the spiders.
  • Consider a Professional Pest Control Service: If you're dealing with a severe spider infestation, it might be time to call in the experts. Professional pest control services can provide a thorough and effective solution.

By using these tips, you'll find the best way to keep spiders away and enjoy a good night's sleep without worrying about these creepy critters.

Natural Ways to Get Rid of Spiders

No one enjoys the thought of having spiders lurking around their bed while they slumber. If you're looking for natural ways to deter spiders from your bedroom, you're in the right place.

Here are a few tried-and-tested methods:

  • Citrus peels: Did you know that spiders don't like the smell of citrus? Scatter some lemon or orange peels around your bedroom to keep spiders away.
  • Eucalyptus oil: A few drops of this essential oil on cotton balls placed strategically in your room will help repel spiders. Eucalyptus oil is also known for its numerous health benefits.
  • Mint leaves: Another scent that spiders aren't fond of is mint. Place fresh mint leaves in small sachets near your bed or windowsills to prevent spiders from entering.
  • Diatomaceous earth (DE): This natural powder can be sprinkled along baseboards and under furniture as a non-toxic way to deter spiders. Just make sure you're using food-grade DE.

Do Conkers Keep Spiders Away?

There is a long-standing belief in some cultures that conkers (horse chestnuts) can repel spiders. However, the evidence supporting this belief is mostly anecdotal, and there's little scientific proof to back it up. This folk remedy possibly stemmed from the idea that spiders dislike the smell of conkers. However, no specific compounds have been identified in horse chestnuts that would have a repelling effect on spiders.

The British Arachnological Society has stated that there's no scientific evidence supporting the idea that spiders are deterred by conkers. They conducted a simple experiment in which spiders were not deterred from walking over conkers to reach a shelter.

So, while it's a charming folk belief, the scientific evidence does not support the idea that conkers can keep spiders away.

Key Takeaway

While learning to co-exist with spiders is something we should all strive for, it’s understandable that people do not want them in their room while they’re sleeping.

With that being the case for many people, taking proactive measures to keep spiders at bay will go a long way to helping you sleep better at night.

Whether you’re after natural solutions such as using essential oils or keeping them out all together by sealing any cracks and crevices, there are sure to be a ‘best’ solution for you.

Just remember, spiders are more scared of you than you are of them.

Sleep Tight, Spider-Free: FAQs about Spiders and Your Safety

Do people eat spiders in their sleep?

Contrary to a popular urban legend, people do not eat spiders in their sleep. This misconception likely started from misunderstood cultural jokes or exaggerations. Spiders, in reality, are more scared of humans than we are of them. They are not attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale, unlike mosquitoes. Most species of spiders are solitary creatures and avoid large, living creatures including humans.

Does lavender keep spiders away?

Yes, the strong scent of lavender is known to keep spiders away. Spiders, unlike humans, find the smell of lavender to be overwhelming and unpleasant. Lavender has been used for centuries in wardrobes and drawers to keep pests away, including spiders. Its calming, soothing scent is a bonus for people but a deterrent for our eight-legged friends.

Does tea tree oil repel spiders?

Yes, tea tree oil can be an effective natural repellent for spiders. Spiders are known to dislike the strong scent of essential oils, and tea tree oil is one of the most potent. Adding a few drops to a spray bottle filled with water and spraying it around your home can help keep spiders away. It's also known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it's a good choice for a natural pest control solution.

Are spiders attracted to light?

Spiders aren't directly attracted to light. Unlike moths and other night-flying insects, spiders are not drawn to luminous objects. However, they are smart predators and understand that other insects are attracted to light. Therefore, they often build their webs near light sources in order to capture their prey. So, indirectly, light could attract spiders because it attracts their food sources.

Are spiders nocturnal?

In the UK, common spiders like the House Spider and Garden Spider tend to be more active during the evening and night. These nocturnal habits are generally a way to avoid predators and effectively catch prey. However, it's worth noting that not all UK spider species strictly adhere to a nocturnal schedule; some can also be active during daylight hours. Regardless of their activity patterns, implementing preventive measures can help keep these common UK spiders away while you sleep.

What do spiders eat?

Spiders primarily eat insects and other arthropods, capturing them in various ways such as building webs, burrowing, or actively hunting. Common UK spiders like the House Spider and Garden Spider often feed on flies, moths, and other small insects. Some larger species may also consume small invertebrates and, occasionally, other spiders. They inject their prey with venom to immobilize them before consuming. While their diet mainly consists of insects, spiders play an essential role in controlling pest populations in gardens and homes.

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