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About Our Sofa Beds, Corner Beds & Chair Beds

If you looking for somewhere comfy to sit during the day and then snuggle up at night, our sofa beds will suit you perfectly. Or if you have friends visiting and want to stay overnight then our sofa beds give you the perfect solution.

From single chair beds for smaller spaces to two or 3 seater double sofa beds and corner sofa beds for larger rooms, we have a range that suits all. 

You can be assured that despite our competitive prices, our sofa beds are among some of the finest currently on sale in the UK.

What’s more, we also have over 30 years experience of in supplying and advising our customers, so we’re more than happy to answer your inquiries. We can supply our sofa beds in a variety of colours and styles, including fabric and leather models and are more than happy to supply in customers' own fabric and make bespoke sizes.

If you’re looking to make a bulk order just call our sales line on 01234 834693 to find out about the generous discounts we can offer on many of our sofa beds. 

What to consider before buying a sofa bed

Sofa beds are often utilized as primary beds in homes, especially in studio apartments, which double as a living room during the day and a bedroom at night. They are also ideal for small bedrooms as they offer extra floor space during the daytime by occupying minimum space.

While buying a sofa bed, it's crucial to take into account the space requirements for both bed and sofa modes. A pull-out mechanism requires clear space in front of the sofa bed or the ability to easily move objects in front. On the other hand, some sofa beds feature a backrest that folds down, so you also need to consider the space behind the sofa bed.

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